A Happy & Healthy Family: Protecting Loved Ones in This World

Photo by Mikhail Nilov
The world is always revolving, tiding in and out of wherever constantly shifting. What that means on the philosophical level is that there are always possibilities. Nothing is set in stone. Things change. Practically speaking, though… it means it can really, really be difficult to keep a happy & healthy family. Not impossible, mind you. Just difficult.
That’s why Dr. Theresa Y. Wee wrote and published My COVID-19 Diary and The Happy, Healthy Revolution, all books containing advice for a happy, healthy family.
Everyone wants their family to be happy and healthy. Why is it important to have a happy and healthy family? Because family is your anchor; family is where you start, and family is where you come back to. We all want a place where we belong, and family is that place. So, who wouldn’t want a happy and healthy family?
Yet, it’s something that’s easier said than done. If you’re a parent or a caregiver, you’ve known this fact in spades since forever! While your children, your siblings, or whoever may not be aware, you know for sure how difficult (but extremely important) it is to safeguard their health and happiness.

Protecting Loved Ones in This World
While COVID may no longer be considered a pandemic, there may yet be another one on the horizon. That’s because, in this age of globalization, where a ton of stuff is moved from one place to another, the chances of diseases spreading over vast distances are much, much more substantial. If that is the case, how do you maintain a loving and happy family?
It can be hard, but it is doable. The key is focusing on health. By prioritizing proactive health measures, you can keep your family safe and sound. You should encourage them to have a balanced diet. This is necessary to provide them with the nutrients for optimal health. Establish family activities that involve regular physical activity–daily walks, family workouts, and whatever else, to improve their overall well-being.
These are just a few things you might want to do to start being proactive.
A Happy & Healthy Family is a Clean One
What does a happy, healthy family look like? There is no one way of establishing a happy & healthy family. But one thing that you can be sure of is that they all have good hygiene habits. Cleanliness, as they often say, is next to godliness. And this is with good reason.
Learning how to be clean is paramount to preventing germs from spreading. Teach them how important it is to wash their hands whenever possible, especially before eating a meal and after they’ve been in unsanitary situations.

Photo by Julia M Cameron
A Happy & Healthy Family is an Informed One
Another important habit for a family to have is to stay informed and inform each other. In a world where fake news trends so easily, being informed is really important. Keep posted on the latest health advisory and guidelines you should follow. Be prepared to adapt and plan as the situation evolves. Maintaining good health is not static, as some people would like to think.
If the worst ever comes and there’s an outbreak of something, prioritize your family’s health and consider limiting who you come into contact with. Always listen to a doctor’s recommendations and ensure that your family is properly vaccinated or immunized.
A Happy & Healthy Family is a Resilient One
Beyond physical health, there is also emotional health. While physical health is easier to monitor, one’s emotional well-being is anything but. As guardians or parents, there’s often a compulsion to pull rank and the desire to simplify things. That won’t work well in the long run. Open communication is key to addressing concerns and fears whenever they arise. This also means that establishing a safe space is important, where feelings can be freely shared and expressed. A family that is happy knows how to talk to one another.
Learn More from Here
There’s only so much that can be stuffed into an article, so might we recommend buying copies of Theresa Y. Wee’s books? My COVID-19 Diary and The Happy, Healthy Revolution are available on this website. If you want to grab a copy of either now, click on this link to take you to the order page.

Theresa Wee
I'm Dr. Theresa Y. Wee, a dedicated pediatrician and wellness expert with over 30 years of experience. I am the author of "My COVID-19 Diary" and the founder of "Walk with a Doc – Oahu," a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting health and wellness through community walks. My work focuses on helping families achieve better health and wellness, particularly in addressing pediatric obesity. Follow me on Facebook.