Unlocking Joy: Expert Advice for a Thriving Family Life

by | Nov 13, 2024 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

Photo by Elina Fairytale

They say, “Home is where the heart is.” After all, it is the place where we feel most comfortable. A home is a place in this world that most, if not all, of us look forward to returning to, especially after a long day. A thriving family life makes the home even better than it already is.  

“My COVID-19 Diary” is a book written by Theresa Y. Wee, M.D. Theresa’s work is a book containing advice for a happy, healthy family. “Health is wealth” is a quote everyone has heard of. Regardless of how often everyone says it, its truth remains the same. If and when a family or a household is happy and healthy, nothing will hold them back from thriving as a family unit and an individual.

Photo by Jonathan Borba

Health comprises not just one aspect but multiple, which are namely physical health, mental health, social health, spiritual health, and occupational health. People must learn to care for themselves in every area to achieve and maintain good health. For people currently struggling mentally and spiritually, Theresa’s book “My Covid-19 Diary and The Happy, Healthy Revolution” is excellent for those who need daily inspirational scriptures. You should get a copy of this!

A crucial role in life.

Are you a parent? If yes, you hold a vital role in life. Once you become a parent, you are in charge of another person’s life. It is your job to ensure that they are safe and well. However, you must set an example in this situation as the guardian; you must take care of yourself first so that you, the parent, can care for your family members. With that said, let’s all learn together how to build a strong and thriving family:

As a parent, you must build your parental resilience.

The word “resilience” refers to a person’s capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties that may come in their life. When it comes to achieving a thriving family life, resilience is the key, and that starts with the parents knowing how to take care of themselves. Remember to exercise and rest, even if it’s just for a few minutes!

Build and maintain social connections.

Aside from physical and mental health, social connections significantly impact a person’s well-being. Most of all, communication and connection are both highly essential for a family to thrive. Reducing screentime at home is a must to foster a healthy social time for the family, because aside from the fact that lack of time spent together strains a family’s connection, too much consumption of gadgets can impact a child’s development, their attention span, and their learning and critical thinking skills.

Make use of available concrete supports.

In a community, many organizations are eager to support local parents. A few would be Child care assistance, Health insurance coverage, Mental health support, Youth and parent helpline, Service hotline, and additional family services that all contribute to a thriving family life.  

Learn more about child development and parenting.

As a parent, increasing your understanding of child development and the dynamics of parents will help you understand what your children need, what they’re experiencing in life, and most of all, how to guide them through it as their guardian. Research shows that children who receive affection and nurturing from their parents, especially in their early years, contribute to a high chance of healthy development. So shower your little one with words of encouragement and hugs. Even a smile can go a long way in ensuring that your child is happy and healthy!

Motivate your little one to improve their social and emotional competence.  

Aside from receiving affection from parents, establishing respectful communication and listening, along with consistent rules and expectations, all contribute to building your little one’s independence. In today’s society, mental health continues to be a challenge as people are more open to discussing it. If you are worried that your child may be struggling with their mental health, it is best to check in on them or have it done by a professional before it is too late. What matters is that it is better to be safe than sorry.

Making changes within the family dynamic can be overwhelming at times, so it is best that you and your family take it one step at a time. There is power in small changes, and we should all keep that in mind.

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  1. Upholding a Positive and Grateful Attitude with Your Family - […] your family is a valuable factor to embody within the family dynamic. Upholding this fabricates a family that thrives…

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